10月18日 | |||||||||
2024/10/18 | 分会场:多功能厅 | 分会场:学术厅 | 分会场:塔里木厅 | 分会场:报告厅 | |||||
10:00-11:45 | 讲习班:场景感知:从生物视觉机理到类脑视觉模型 讲者:邢大军、杨开富 | 主持人 | 讲习班:多模态基础模型的结构设计与优化 讲者:周奕毅、郭龙腾、王文海 | 主持人 | 10:00-12:00 专题论坛:视觉基础模型及其前沿应用 讲者:郑伟诗、王兴刚、叶茫、任文琦、王文海 | 主持人 | |||
李永杰 | 黄高、刘静、杨乐 | 罗斌、范登平 | |||||||
11:45-12:00 | 茶歇 | ||||||||
12:00-14:00 | 讲习班:医疗大模型 讲者:何晖光、陈浩、陈俊颖、杨二昆、房钰棋 | 主持人 | 讲习班:基于深度学习的智能疾病诊断与个性化手术规划 讲者:吴烨、杨鹏、武佳懿、马磊、张栋 | 主持人 | 12:00-14:00 CAAI-PR 专委年度会议 | 主持人 | |||
雷柏英、胡众义 | 陈梁骏 | 周杰 | |||||||
14:00-15:30 | 午餐、午休 | ||||||||
15:00-17:00 CSIG-DIAR专委年度会议 | 主持人 | ||||||||
15:30-17:15 | 讲习班:AIGC在生物特征识别与安全中的应用 讲者:朱翔昱、彭勃、李琦、赵健 | 主持人 | 讲习班:SfM:大规模场景三维重建的基石 讲者:申抒含、崔海楠、高翔、崔兆鹏 | 主持人 | 女科学家论坛 讲者:张艳宁、董晶、杨欣、张铭津、王路 | 主持人 | 金连文 | ||
孙哲南 | 申抒含、崔兆鹏、崔海楠、高翔 | 贲晛烨、陈俊颖 | |||||||
17:00-19:00 CSIG-MV专委年度会议 | 主持人 | ||||||||
17:15-17:30 | 茶歇 | 林宙辰 | |||||||
17:30-19:30 | 17:30-19:30 专题论坛:三维重建与生成 讲者:申抒含、高林、彭思达、惠乐 | 主持人 | 17:30-19:30 专题论坛:情智兼备数字人与机器人的研究 讲者:胡斌、刘青山、刘洪海、郑文明 | 主持人 | 17:30-19:30 专题论坛:多模态连续学习 讲者:邓成、魏云超、赵鑫、崔振、刘夏雷、高源 | 主持人 | |||
陶文兵、郭裕兰 | 赵思成、高跃、杨巨峰、姚鸿勋 | 尹宝才、王博岳、胡永利、高源 | |||||||
19:30-21:00 | 19:30-21:00 CAA-PRMI专委年度会议 | 主持人 | |||||||
刘成林 | |||||||||
21:00-23:00 | 21:00-23:00 CCF-CV专委年度会议 | 主持人 | |||||||
陈熙霖 | |||||||||
10月19日 | |||||||||
时间 | 主会场:丝路印象厅 | 分会场:塔里木厅 | 分会场:报告厅 | 走廊 | |||||
10:00-10:30 | 开幕式 | 主持人 | |||||||
刘成林 | |||||||||
10:30-11:20 | 主旨报告:大模型背景下的数字内容取证 报告人:谭铁牛 (讲45分钟,提问5分钟) | 主持人 | Visual Intelligence 编委会议 | 主持人 | |||||
周杰 | 查红彬 | ||||||||
11:20-12:20 | 口头报告:最佳论文与最佳学生论文候选1 | 主持人 | 11:20-12:30海报1 | ||||||
钱育蓉、刘锦 | 12:00-13:30 CSIG-BVD专委年度会议 | 主持人 | |||||||
12:20-12:30 | 茶歇 | 郑伟诗 | |||||||
12:30-13:20 | 主旨报告:Understanding Egocentric Visual Attention and Actions 报告人:Yoichi Sato (讲45分钟,提问5分钟) | 主持人 | PRCV 2025筹备会议 | 主持人 | |||||
查红彬 | 熊红凯 | ||||||||
13:20-14:00 | PRCV 2026竞选 | 主持人 | |||||||
于仕琪 | |||||||||
14:00-15:30 | 午餐、午休 | ||||||||
时间 | 分会场:多功能厅 | 主持人 | 分会场:学术厅 | 主持人 | 分会场:塔里木厅 | 主持人 | 分会场:报告厅 | 主持人 | 走廊 |
15:30-16:00 | 特邀报告:开放条件下的视觉识别 报告人:王立君 (讲27分钟,提问3分钟) | 刘夏雷 | 特邀报告:细粒度多模态运动分析 报告人:彭宇新 (讲27分钟,提问3分钟) | 刘光灿 | 特邀报告:文本提示“检测分割一切”模型研究 报告人:王兴刚 (讲27分钟,提问3分钟) | 潘金山 | 特邀报告:视觉物体检测的新趋势和新范式 报告人:张兆翔 (讲27分钟,提问3分钟) | 刘日升 | |
16:00-17:15 | 口头报告:Recognition 1 | 口头报告:Recognition 2 | 口头报告:Segmentation | 口头报告:Detection | |||||
17:15-17:30 | 茶歇 | 17:15-18:25 海报2 | |||||||
17:30-19:30 | 17:30-19:30 专题论坛:机器视觉与学习 讲者:尤著宏、李建欣、李霄剑、江劭玮 | 主持人 | 17:30-19:40 专题论坛:开放环境可信感知模型和学习 讲者:龚怡宏、朱军、程明明、张长青、张煦尧 | 主持人 | 17:30-19:35 专题论坛:可信具身视觉特征学习 讲者:吴小俊、孟德宇、严严、邹征夏、徐婧林 | 主持人 | 17:30-19:30 专题论坛:视言碰撞:语言模型与视觉生态协同 讲者:徐畅、任博、盛律、王毅、杨灵 | 主持人 | |
林宙辰、王奕森 | 刘成林、胡清华、朱飞 | 孙仕亮、赵才荣、朱磊、叶茫、殷俊 | 程明明、王亚星、贾旭 | ||||||
20:00-22:00 | 晚宴及颁奖礼 | ||||||||
10月20日 | |||||||||
时间 | 主会场:丝路印象厅 | 走廊 | |||||||
10:00-10:50 | 主旨报告:大模型驱动的具身智能人形机器人与展望 报告人:王耀南 (讲45分钟,提问5分钟) | 主持人 | |||||||
林宙辰 | |||||||||
10:50-11:21 | 赞助报告:AutoDL(15分钟)、腾讯优图(8分钟)、上海合合信息科技股份有限公司(8分钟) | 主持人 | |||||||
殷绪成 | |||||||||
11:22-12:22 | 口头报告:最佳论文与最佳学生论文候选2 | 主持人 | 11:30-12:40 海报3 | ||||||
夏威、阿力木江·艾沙 | |||||||||
12:23-12:40 | 茶歇 | ||||||||
12:40-13:30 | 主旨报告:透明且一致的深度表征学习:从黑盒到白盒,从开环到闭环 报告人:马毅 (讲45分钟,提问5分钟) | 主持人 | |||||||
库尔班·吾布力 | |||||||||
13:30-13:42 | 赞助报告:北京思腾合力科技有限公司(6分钟)、北京中科睿途科技有限公司(3分钟)、北京趋动科技有限公司(3分钟) | 主持人 | |||||||
吕小毅 | |||||||||
13:42-14:00 | 最佳论文与最佳学生论文颁奖 | 主持人 | |||||||
程明明 | |||||||||
14:00-15:30 | 午餐、午休 | ||||||||
时间 | 分会场:多功能厅 | 主持人 | 分会场:学术厅 | 主持人 | 分会场:塔里木厅 | 主持人 | 分会场:报告厅 | 主持人 | 走廊 |
15:30-16:00 | 特邀报告:基于能力定量表征的序列图像自主导航技术 报告人:王大轶 (讲27分钟,提问3分钟) | 艾斯卡尔·艾木都拉 | 特邀报告:多模态大模型发展及垂域赋能 报告人:杜博 (讲27分钟,提问3分钟) | 张长青 | 特邀报告:通用数据预训练与高效微调方法研究 报告人:常建龙 (讲27分钟,提问3分钟) | 王博岳 | 特邀报告:高真实感3D高斯数字化身 报告人:刘烨斌 (讲27分钟,提问3分钟) | 郭裕兰 | |
16:00-17:15 | 口头报告:Low-level Vision | 任健康 | 口头报告:Applications | 口头报告:Learning | 口头报告:3D Vision | ||||
17:15-17:30 | 茶歇 | 17:15-18:25 海报4 | |||||||
17:30-19:30 | 17:30-19:30 专题论坛:遥感图像智能解译与应用 讲者:吴立刚、高连如、李盛阳、杨文 | 主持人 | 17:30-19:30 竞赛论坛 | 主持人 | 17:30-21:00 博士生论坛 交流嘉宾:胡清华、程明明、魏云超、高跃、姚鸿勋、邓成 博士生:常东良、陈翔、段沛奇、顾峥、黄文柯、寇人可、李煜东、李泽宇、梁科、刘猛、马梅、马彦彪、汪茜茜、伍风翼、杨杰、周尚辰、朱明丽 | 主持人 | 17:30-19:35 专题论坛:大模型赋能智慧医疗 讲者:王满宁、王连生、张永兵、余晋刚、雷柏英 | 主持人 | |
贺威、董燕妮、张磊、高常鑫、程塨、李淼 | 桑农、刘偲 | 董晶、左旺孟 | 陈浩、庄吓海、徐军 | ||||||
19:30-21:00 |
口头报告:最佳论文与最佳学生论文候选1 每篇论文15分钟,讲12分钟,提问3分钟 | 丝路印象厅 | |
序号 | 论文题目 | |
1 | Efficient Fine-tuning Strategies for CLIP in Few-shot Scenarios via Supervised Contrastive Learning | |
2 | Two Semantic Information Extension Enhancement Methods For Zero-Shot Learning. | |
3 | Learning Fine-grained and Semantically Aware Mamba Representations for Tampered Text Detection in Images | |
4 | Multi-modality Correlation Learning Network for Pediatric Ventricular Septal Defects Identification | |
口头报告:最佳论文与最佳学生论文候选2 每篇论文15分钟,讲12分钟,提问3分钟 | 丝路印象厅 | |
序号 | 论文题目 | |
5 | A Novel Method for Autism Identification based on Multi-Atlas Features Fusion and Graph Neural Network | |
6 | From Point to Surface: Realistic and Perceptually-Plausible Hazy Image Generation with Glow-Diffusion | |
7 | Reducing Memory Footprint in Deep Network Training by Gradient Space Reutilization | |
8 | Dynamic Subframe Splitting and Spatio-Temporal Motion Entangled Sparse Attention for RGB-E Tracking | |
口头报告:Recognition 1 每篇论文15分钟,讲12分钟,提问3分钟 | 多功能厅 | |
序号 | 论文题目 | |
1 | ADAL-GCN: Action Description Aided Learning Graph Convolution Network for Early Action Prediction | |
2 | Skeleton-Language Pre-training to Collaborate with Self-Supervised Human Action Recognition | |
3 | Privacy-preserving Action Recognition: A Survey | |
4 | Multi-scale Spatial and Temporal Feature Aggregation Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition | |
5 | Foreground-Background Partitioning and Feature Fusion for Weakly Supervised Fine-grained Image Recognition | |
口头报告:Recognition 2 每篇论文15分钟,讲12分钟,提问3分钟 | 学术厅 | |
序号 | 论文题目 | |
1 | H2LMER: A Cross Frame-Rate Representation Alignment Framework for Micro-Expression Recognition | |
2 | 3DFaceMAE: Pre-training of Masked Autoencoder using Patch-based Random Masking Reconstruction and Super-resolution for 3D Face Recognition | |
3 | MFH: Marrying Frequency Domain with Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition | |
4 | Exploring Out-of-distribution Scene Text Recognition for Driving Scenes with Hybrid Test-time Adaptation | |
5 | Quat-DGNet: Enhancing 3D Dense Captioning with Quaternion-Based Spatial Offsets and Dynamic Neighborhood Graphs | |
口头报告:Segmentation 每篇论文15分钟,讲12分钟,提问3分钟 | 塔里木厅 | |
序号 | 论文题目 | |
1 | Meta-Learning Based Knowledge Distillation for Domain Adaptive Nighttime Segmentation | |
2 | Semantics Guided Disentangled GAN for Chest X-ray Image Rib Segmentation | |
3 | PottsNN: A Variational Neural Network Based on Potts Model for Image Segmentation | |
4 | PRM: A Pixel-Region-Matching Approach for Fast Video Object Segmentation | |
5 | RT-VIS: Real-time Video Instance Segmentation with Light-weight Decoupled Framework | |
口头报告:Detection 每篇论文15分钟,讲12分钟,提问3分钟 | 报告厅 | |
序号 | 论文题目 | |
1 | Masked Visual Pre-training for RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object Detection | |
2 | Infrared Small Target Detection via Edge Refinement and Joint Attention Enhancement | |
3 | Multi-Branch Auxiliary Fusion YOLO with Re-parameterization Heterogeneous Convolutional for accurate object detection | |
4 | Completing Saliency from Details | |
5 | Detect Text Forgery with Non-Forged Image Features: A Framework for Detection and Grounding of Image-Text Manipulation | |
口头报告:Low-Level Vision 每篇论文15分钟,讲12分钟,提问3分钟 | 多功能厅 | |
序号 | 论文题目 | |
1 | DFANet: A Dual-stream Deep Feature Aware Network for Multi-focus Image Fusion | |
2 | GAN-Diffusion Relay Model: Advancing Semantic Image Synthesis | |
3 | Multiview Light Field Angular Super-Resolution based on View Alignment and Frequency Attention | |
4 | SFformer: Adaptive Sparse and Frequency-Guided Transformer Network for Single Image Derain | |
5 | Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution Based on Dual-domain Gated Attention Network | |
口头报告:3D Vision 每篇论文15分钟,讲12分钟,提问3分钟 | 报告厅 | |
序号 | 论文题目 | |
1 | MTFusion: Reconstructing Any 3D Object from Single Image Using Multi-Word Textual Inversion | |
2 | Disparity Refinement Based on Cross-Modal Feature Fusion and Global Hourglass Aggregation for Robust Stereo Matching | |
3 | M3Pose: Multi-person 3D Pose Estimation Using Sparse Millimeter-wave Radar Point Clouds | |
4 | Animatable Human Rendering from Monocular Video via Pose-Independent Deformation | |
5 | Discriminative-guided Diffusion-based Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation | |
口头报告:Learning 每篇论文15分钟,讲12分钟,提问3分钟 | 塔里木厅 | |
序号 | 论文题目 | |
1 | Unleashing the Class-Incremental Learning Potential of Foundation Models by Virtual Feature Generation and Replay | |
2 | SLRL: Structured Latent Representation Learning for Multi-view Clustering | |
3 | SPLICEGNN: SPLIt and ConnEct Tracklets in a unified Graph Neural Network | |
4 | Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Cross-Modal Alignment with Feature Replay | |
5 | Self-Quantization with Adaptive Codebooks for Unsupervised Image Retrieval | |
口头报告:Applications 每篇论文15分钟,讲12分钟,提问3分钟 | 学术厅 | |
序号 | 论文题目 | |
1 | Generative Steganography Based on Dual-Branch Flow | |
2 | SACTGAN-EE imbalanced data processing method for credit default prediction | |
3 | Misclassification Detection via Counterexample Learning for Trustworthy Cervical Cancer Screening | |
4 | DBMF-Net: A Dual-Branch Multimodal Fusion Network for Multi-Label Sewer Defect Classification | |
5 | Feature Exchange and Distribution-based Mining Land Detection Method by Multispectral Imagery | |
海报1 | ||
序号 | 类别 | 论文题目 |
1 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | A Fine-grained Recurrent Network for Image Segmentation via Vector Field Guided Refinement |
2 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation with Strong/Weak Task-aware Consistency |
3 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Steerable Pyramid Transform Enables Robust Left Ventricle Quantification |
4 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | MedPrompt: Cross-Modal Prompting for Multi-Task Medical Image Translation |
5 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Enhancing Hippocampus Segmentation: SwinUNETR Model Optimization with CPS |
6 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Uncertainty-inspired Credible Pseudo-Labeling in Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation |
7 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | MFPNet: Mixed Feature Perception Network for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation |
8 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | LD-BSAM:Combined Latent Diffusion with Bounding SAM for HIFU target region segmentation |
9 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Hierarchical Decoder with Parallel Transformer and CNN for Medical Image Segmentation |
11 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | APAN:Anti-curriculum Pseudo-labelling and Adversarial Noises Training for Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification |
12 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Multi-Modal Learning for Predicting the Progression of Transarterial Chemoembolization Therapy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma |
13 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Growing with the help of multiple teachers: lightweight and noise-resistant student model for medical image classification |
14 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | DRA-CN: A novel Dual-Resolution Attention Capsule Network for Histopathology Image Classification |
15 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | A Mask Guided Network for Self-Supervised Low-Dose CT Imaging |
16 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Dental Diagnosis from X-Ray Panoramic Radiography Images: A Dataset and A Hybrid Framework |
17 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Edge-Guided Bidirectional-Attention Residual Network for Polyp Segmentation |
18 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | From Coarse to Fine: A Novel Colon Polyp Segmentation Method Like Human Observation |
19 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Pseudo-Prompt Generating in Pre-trained Vision-Language Models for Multi-Label Medical Image Classification |
20 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Multi-Perspective Text-Guided Multimodal Fusion Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation |
21 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Continual Learning for Fundus Image Segmentation |
22 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Embedded Deep Learning Based CT Images for Rifampicin Resistant Tuberculosis Diagnosis |
23 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Combining Segment Anything Model with Domain-Specific Knowledge for Semi-Supervised Learning in Medical Image Segmentation |
24 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Meply: A Large-scale Dataset and Baseline Evaluations for Metastatic Perirectal Lymph Node Segmentation |
25 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Swin-HAUnet: A Swin-Hierarchical Attention Unet For Enhanced Medical Image Segmentation |
26 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | ODC-SA Net: Orthogonal Direction Enhancement and Scale Aware Network for Polyp Segmentation |
27 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Two-Stage Multi-Scale Feature Fusion for Small Medical Object Segmentation |
28 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | A Two-Stage Automatic Collateral Scoring Framework Based on Brain Vessel Segmentation |
29 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | SPARK: Cross-Guided Knowledge Distillation with Spatial Position Augmentation for Medical Image Segmentation |
30 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | VATBoost-Net: Integrating Enhanced Feature Perturbation and Detail Enhancement for Medical Image Segmentation |
31 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | DTIL-Net: Dual-Task Interactive Learning Network for Automated Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy and Macular Edema |
32 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | DeformSegNet: Segmentation Network Fused with Deformation Field for Pancreatic CT Scans |
33 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | InsSegLN: A Novel 3D Instance Segmentation Method for Mediastinal Lymph Node |
34 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | RRANet: A Reverse Region-Aware Network with Edge Difference for Accurate Breast Tumor Segmentation in Ultrasound Images |
35 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Learning Frequency and Structure in UDA for Medical Object Detection |
36 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Skin Lesion Segmentation Method Based On Global Pixel Weighted Focal Loss |
37 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Competing Dual-Network with Pseudo-Supervision Rectification for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation |
38 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Dual-Branch Perturbation and Conflict-Based Scribble-Supervised Meibomian Gland Segmentation |
39 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Anchored Supervised Contrastive Learning for Long-Tailed Medical Image Regression |
40 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Dynamic Feature Fusion Based on Consistency and Complementarity of Brain Atlases |
41 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | FUF-TransUNet: a transformer-based U-Net with fully utilize of features for liver and liver-tumor segmentation in CT images |
42 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Dual-View Dual-Boundary Dual U-Nets for Multiscale Segmentation of Oral CBCT Images |
43 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | A Novel Diffusion Model with Wavelet Transform for Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation in Fundus Images |
44 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | STCTb: A Spatio-Temporal Collaborative Transformer Block for Brain Diseases Classification using fMRI Time Series. |
45 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | A Generalized Contrast-adjustment Guided Growth Method for Medical Image Segmentation |
46 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | MDNet: Morphology-Driven Weakly Supervised Polyp Detection |
47 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | MMR-Sleep: A Multi-Channel and Multi-Receptive Field Sleep Stage recognition Model |
48 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | CPNet: Cross Prototype Network for Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation |
49 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | SBC-UNet: A Network Based on Improved Hourglass Attention Mechanism and U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation |
50 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Bridge the gap of semantic context: A Boundary-guided Context Fusion UNet for Medical Image Segmentation |
51 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Bilinear Fine-grained Classification of Ultrasound Images Integrated with Interpretable Radiomics |
52 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | GCNet: Global context-guided uncertainty boundary for polyp segmentation |
53 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Comprehensive Transformer Integration Network (CTIN): Advancing Endoscopic Disease Segmentation with Hybrid Transformer Architecture |
54 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | IPM: An Intelligent Component for 3D Brain Tumor Segmentation Integrating Semantic Extractor and Pixel Refiner |
55 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Edge-Net: A Self-supervised Medical Image Segmentation Model Based on Edge Attention |
56 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Fundus image disease diagnosis and quality assessment based on dual-task collaborative optimization |
57 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | MFIS-net: A Deep Learning Framework for Left Atrial Segmentation |
58 | Medical lmage Processing and Analysis | Semi-Supervised Gland Segmentation via Label Purification and Reliable Pixel Learning |
59 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | A Multi-modal Framework with Contrastive Learning and Sequential Encoding for Enhanced Sleep Stage Detection |
60 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Charting the Uncharted: Building and Analyzing a Multifaceted Chart Question Answerring Dataset for Complex Logical Reasoning Process |
61 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Time-Frequency Mutual Learning for Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection |
62 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Cascade Coarse-to-Fine Point-Query Transformer for RGB-T Crowd Counting |
63 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Perceptual Image Compression with Text-Guided Multi-Level Fusion |
64 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Evaluating Attribute Comprehension in Large Vision-language Models |
65 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Efficient Multi-modal Human-centric Contrastive Pre-training with A Pseudo Body-structured Prior |
66 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | A3R: Vision Language Pre-training by Attentive Alignment and Attentive Reconstruction |
67 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Mixture-of-Hand-Experts: Repainting the Deformed Hand Images Generated by Diffusion Models |
68 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | ConD2: Contrastive Decomposition Distilling for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis |
69 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Multi-layer Tuning CLIP for Few-Shot Image Classification |
70 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | DIM: Dynamic Integration of Multimodal Entity Linking with Large Language Model |
71 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Text-Dominant Interactive Attention for Cross-Modal Sentiment Analysis. |
72 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Dual Context Perception Transformer for Referring Image Segmentation |
73 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | ELEMO: Elements Focused Emotion Recognition for Sticker Images |
74 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Cross-Modal Dual Matching and Comparison for Text-to-Image Person Re-identification |
75 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Low-resource Machine Translation with Different Granularity Image Features |
76 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | ST-SBV: Spatial-Temporal Self-Blended Videos for Deepfake Detection |
77 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Learning a Robust Synthetic Modality with Dual-Level Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification |
78 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Deep Noisy Multi-Label Learning for Robust Cross-Modal Retrieval |
79 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Uncertainty-Aware with Negative Samples for Video-Text Retrieval |
80 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Multi-Modal Knowledge-enhanced Fine-Grained Image Classification |
81 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Bridging Modality Gap for Visual Grounding with Effecitve Cross-modal Distillation |
82 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | EGSRNet: Emotion-label Guiding and Similarity Reasoning Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis |
83 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | VL-MPFT: Multitask Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Visual-Language Pre-trained Models via Task-adaptive Masking |
84 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | A Multimodal Fake News Detection Model Leveraging Image Frequency and Spatial Domain Analysis with Deep Dynamic Trade-off Fusion |
85 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Efficiency-Aware Fine-grained Vision-Language Retrieval via a Global-Contextual Autoencoder |
86 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Towards Making the Most of Knowledge across Languages for Multimodal Cross-Lingual Summarization |
87 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Adapting Vision-Language Models to Open Classes via Test-Time Prompt Tuning |
88 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Multimodal Feature Hierarchical Alignment for Text-Based Person Re-identification |
89 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Mitigating Hallucination in Visual-Language Models via Re-Balancing Contrastive Decoding |
90 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Multimodal medical image registration using optimized phase consistency within joint Frequency-Space domain |
91 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Robust Contrastive Learning against Audio-Visual Noisy Correspondence |
92 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Enhancing Cross-Modal Alignment in Multimodal Sentiment Analysis via Prompt Learning |
93 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Efficient Language-driven Action Localization by Feature Aggregation and Prediction Adjustment |
94 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Greedy Fusion Oriented Representations for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis |
95 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Counterfactual Multimodal Fact-Checking Method based on Causal Intervention |
96 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Rethinking the Necessity of Learnable Modal Alignment for Medical Image Fusion |
97 | Multi-Modal Information Processing | Taming Diffusion for Fashion Clothing Generation with Versatile Condition |
98 | Video Analysis and Understanding | Behavior Capture Based Explainable Engagement Recognition |
99 | Video Analysis and Understanding | Utilizing Text-video Relationships: A Text-driven Multi-modal Fusion Framework for Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection |
100 | Video Analysis and Understanding | LLMAction: Adapting Large Language Model for Long-Term Action Anticipation |
101 | Video Analysis and Understanding | Dual-scale Temporal Dependency Learning for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection |
102 | Video Analysis and Understanding | LMS-VDR: Integrating Landmarks into Multi-Scale Hybrid Net for Video-based Depression Recognition |
103 | Video Analysis and Understanding | Motion Trajectory Reconstruction Based on Feature Matching and Gradient Graph Laplacian Regularizer |
104 | Video Analysis and Understanding | OC-SAN: Unsupervised Deepfake Detection for Specific Individual Protection Based on Deep One-class Classification |
105 | Video Analysis and Understanding | Focus on Subtle Actions: Semantic and Saliency Knowledge Co-Propagation Method for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization |
106 | Video Analysis and Understanding | Flow-Audio-Synth:A Video-to-Audio Model which Captures Dynamic Features |
107 | Video Analysis and Understanding | SCAMS: Semantic Category-Aware Multi-Scale Network for Video Quality Assessment |
108 | Video Analysis and Understanding | Cross-temporal Fusion Memory Network for Traffic Accident Detection |
109 | Video Analysis and Understanding | Video Frame Interpolation for Large Motion with Generative Prior |
110 | Video Analysis and Understanding | MS-DETR: Exploiting Modality Synergy for Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection |
111 | Video Analysis and Understanding | PosCap: Boosting Video Captioning with Part-of-Speech Guidance |
112 | Video Analysis and Understanding | Element-Centered Multi-Granularity Network for Dense Video Captioning |
113 | Video Analysis and Understanding | AI-Generated Video Detection via Spatial-Temporal Anomaly Learning |
114 | Video Analysis and Understanding | Dynamic Temporal Shift Feature Enhancement for Few-Shot Action Recognition |
115 | Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning | StyleFusion TTS: Multimodal Style-control and Enhanced Feature Fusion for Zero-shot Text-to-speech Synthesis |
116 | Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning | Robust Document Presentation Attack Detection via Diffusion Models and Knowledge Distillation |
117 | Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning | Towards the transferable reversible adversarial example via distribution-relevant attack |
118 | Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning | Fine-grained Feature Assisted Cross-modal Image-text Retrieval |
119 | Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning | Uncertainty-aware Gradient Modulation and Feature Masking for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis |
120 | Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning | Local and Global Features Interactive Fusion Network for Macro- and Micro-Expression Spotting in Long Videos |
121 | Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning | OmniStyleGAN for Style-Guided Image-to-Image Translation |
122 | Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision | Miss-CAM:Visual interpretation algorithm for convolutional neural networks using missingness masks |
123 | Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision | GSE-Ships: Ship Detection Using Optimized Lightweight Networks and Attention Mechanisms |
124 | Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision | Balancing Complementarity and Consistency via Delayed Activation in Incomplete Multi-view Clustering |
125 | Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision | Small Target Defects Detection of Aluminum Plates Sur-face using an MSN-YOLOv5 model |
126 | Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks | Benchmarking Multi-Scene Fire and Smoke Detection |
127 | Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks | Performance Evaluation of Anomaly Detection with a new Battery Surface Anomaly Dataset |
128 | Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks | Fine-grained Metrics for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation |
129 | Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks | 114Xray: A Large-scale X-ray Security Detection Benchmark and Aware Enhance Network for Real-World Prohibited Item Inspection in Baggage |
130 | Structural Pattern Recognition | Enhancing Semi-Dense Feature Matching through Probabilistic Modeling of Cascaded Supervision and Consistency |
131 | Structural Pattern Recognition | Concentrating Estimation Attention: Human Prior Constrained Methods for Robust Classification |
海报2 | ||
序号 | 类别 | 论文题目 |
1 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Mamba-FETrack: Frame-Event Tracking via State Space Model |
2 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Stay Open: Calibrating Weights Continuously for Detecting Out-of-Distribution Objects On the Fly |
3 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | MPE: A Fine-grained Multi-Path Feature Enhancer in MOT |
4 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | CIMTD: Class Incremental Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation for Fractal Object Detection |
5 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | A Stochastic Model for video object tracking |
6 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Class-Agnostic Detection of Unknown Objects From Foreground Improves Robust Open World Object Detection |
7 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | ML-SCODNet: Multitask Learning for Scene Classification and Object Detection Network from Remote Sensing Images |
8 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Cross-Domain Attention Alignment for Domain Adaptive Person Re-ID |
9 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | EfficientMatting: Bilateral Matting Network for Real-time Human Matting |
10 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Semi-Supervised Camouflaged Object Detection: Multi Information Fusion Combined with Adaptive Receptive Field Selection Network |
11 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Revisiting Network Perturbation for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation |
12 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | TL-RelD: Tight-Loose Pairwise Loss for Object Re-ldentification |
13 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | LS-YOLO: A Lightweight Selective Enhanced YOLOv8 Algorithm for UAV Aerial Photography |
14 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Camouflaged Object Detection via Scale-Feature Attention and Type-Feature Attention |
15 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | GOP: A Group Object Perception Framework for Optical Remote Sensing |
16 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Mask-Guided Clothes-irrelevant and Background-irrelevant Network with Knowledge Propagation for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification |
17 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Region Aware Transformer with Intra-Class Compact for Unsupervised Aerial Person Re-identification |
18 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Camouflaged Object Detection based on Feature Aggregation and Global Semantic Learning |
19 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Small Target Detector based on Adaptive Re-parameterized Spatial Feature Fusion Mechanism |
20 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Dual Constraint Parallel Multi-scale Attention Network for Insulator Detection in Foggy Scene |
21 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Lightweight Defog Detection for Autonomous Vehicles: Balancing Clarity, Efficiency, and Accuracy |
22 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | EI-YOLO: Efficiently Improved YOLO on Detection of Prohibited Items During Security inspections |
23 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | TSTrack: A Robust Object Tracking Framework Integrated Temporal and Spatial Features |
24 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | A Faster Fire Detection Network with Global Information Awareness |
25 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | More Efficient Encoder: Boosting Transformer-Based Multi-Object Tracking Performance Through YOLOX |
26 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | PLRUT: Pseudo Label and Re-detection boosted Unsupervised Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Objects |
27 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | End-to-end High-quality Transformer Object Detection Model Applied to Human Head Detection |
28 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Local Point Matching for Collaborative Image Registration and RGBT Anti-UAV Tracking |
29 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | ORU-YOLO: A UAV Image Detection Model Optimized for Resource Utilization |
30 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Memoryless Multimodal Anomaly Detection via Student-Teacher Network and Signed Distance Learning |
31 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | MRFNet: A Multi-Receptive-Field Fusion Network for Multi-Food Recognition |
32 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Image-Centered Pseudo Label Generation for Weakly Supervised Text-based Person Re-Identification |
33 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | SelfLoc: High Quality Unsupervised Object Localization with Self-Prompt SAM |
34 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | A Global Re-detection Method Based on Feature Interaction Siamese Network |
35 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Key Object Detection: Unifying Salient and Camouflaged Object Detection into One Task |
36 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | MOFTrack: Multi-Object Formation Tracking in Remote Sensing Videos |
37 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | SDNet: A Simple and Efficient Salient Object Detection Decoder with Only 60K Parameters |
38 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Scale-Adaptive Modulation Meet Compact Axial Transformer for Small Object Detection in UAV-Vision |
39 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Lightweight and Multi-Scale Adaptive Network for Infrared Small Target Detection |
40 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Multi-View Cross-Attention Network for Hyperspectral Object Tracking |
41 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | CountMamba: Exploring Multi-directional Selective State-Space Models for Plant Counting |
42 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | ECLNet: A Compact Encoder-Decoder Network for Efficient Camouflaged Object Detection |
43 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Few-Shot Object Detection via Disentangling Class-Related Factors in Feature Distribution |
44 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Multi-class token-guided end-to-end weakly supervised image semantic segmentation method |
45 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | DIDNet: An End-to-End Directional Insulator Detection Network based on direction field |
46 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | L2FIG-Tracker: l2-norm based Fusion with Illumination Guidance for RGB-D Object Tracking |
47 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | CDAF3D: Cross-Dimensional Attention Fusion for Indoor 3D Object Detection |
48 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | RETrack: Multi-Object Tracking by Associating Proposal Regions |
49 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | PGNET: A Real-time efficient model for underwater object detection |
50 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | A Temporal Recognition Framework for Multi-Sheep Behaviour Using ViTSORT and YOLOv8-MS |
51 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Tracking Transforming Objects: A Benchmark |
52 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Modality-Shared Prototypes for Enhanced Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification |
53 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Vehicle Re-identification with a Pose-aware Discriminative Part Learning Model |
54 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Dual-Teacher Network with SSIM based Reverse Distillation for Anomaly Detection |
55 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | CFMVOR: Federated Multi-view 3D Object Recognition Based on Compressed Learning |
56 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Enhanced Anomaly Detection using Spatial-Alignment and Multi-scale Fusion |
57 | Object Detection Tracking and Identification | Confidence-Weighted Teacher: Semi-Supervised Object Detection Based on Confidence Correction |
58 | Biometric Recognition | MST-Gait:Application of Multi-Scale Temporal Modeling to Gait Recognition |
59 | Biometric Recognition | Identity-Preserving Animal Image Generation for Animal Individual Identification |
60 | Biometric Recognition | FIL-FLD: Few-shot Incremental Learning with EMD Metric for High Generalization Fingerprint Liveness Detection |
61 | Biometric Recognition | Text Based Unsupervised Domain Generalization Person Re-identification |
62 | Biometric Recognition | SF-Gait: Two-Stage Temporal Compression Network for Learning Gait Micro-Motions and Cycle Patterns |
63 | Biometric Recognition | Coarse-to-Fine Domain Adaptation for Cross-subject EEG Emotion Recognition with Contrastive Learning |
64 | Biometric Recognition | Face Anti-spoofing based on Multi-view Anomaly Detection |
65 | Biometric Recognition | Online Signature Verification Based on Recurrent Attentional Time-Delay Neural Networks |
66 | Biometric Recognition | Multimodal finger recognition based on feature fusion attention for fingerprints, finger-veins, and f inger-knuckle-prints |
67 | Biometric Recognition | Hierarchical Discrepancy-aware Interaction Network for Face Forgery Detection |
68 | Biometric Recognition | AU-vMAE: Knowledge-Guide Action Units Detection via Video Masked Autoencoder |
69 | Biometric Recognition | Transformer-based Multimodal Spatial-Temporal Fusion for Gait Recognition |
70 | Biometric Recognition | Multi-level Distributional Discrepancy Enhancement for Cross Domain Face Forgery Detection |
71 | Biometric Recognition | Unsupervised person Re-ID based on nonlinear asymmetric metric learning |
72 | Biometric Recognition | FR-watermarking: A Fusion Framework for Face-Based Digital Watermarking |
73 | Document Analysis and Recognition | Leveraging Structure Knowledge and Deep Models for the Detection of Abnormal Handwritten Text |
74 | Document Analysis and Recognition | OCR-aware Scene Graph Generation via Multi-modal Object Representation Enhancement and Logical Bias Learning |
75 | Document Analysis and Recognition | Enhancing Transformer-based Table Structure Recognition for Long Tables |
76 | Document Analysis and Recognition | Show Exemplars and Tell Me What You See: In-context Learning with Frozen Large Language Models for TextVQA |
77 | Document Analysis and Recognition | MLR-NET: an arbitrary skew angle detection algorithm for complex layout document images |
78 | Document Analysis and Recognition | TextViTCNN: Enhancing Natural Scene Text Recognition with Hybrid Transformer and Convolutional Networks |
79 | Document Analysis and Recognition | Enhancing Visual Information Extraction with Large Language Models through Layout-aware Instruction Tuning |
80 | Document Analysis and Recognition | SFENet: Arbitrary Shapes Scene Text Detection with Semantic Feature Extractor |
81 | Document Analysis and Recognition | Improving Zero-Shot Image Captioning Efficiency with Metropolis-Hastings Sampling |
82 | Document Analysis and Recognition | Improving Text Classification Performance through Multimodal Representation |
83 | Document Analysis and Recognition | A Multi-feature Fusion Approach for Words Recognition of Ancient Mongolian Documents |
84 | Document Analysis and Recognition | TableRocket: An Efficient and Effective Framework for Table Reconstruction |
85 | Document Analysis and Recognition | Not All Texts Are the Same: Dynamically Querying Texts for Scene Text Detection |
86 | Document Analysis and Recognition | Multi-Modal Attention based on 2D Structured Sequence for Table Recognition |
87 | Character Recognition | Scene Text Recognition via k-NN Attention-based Decoder and Margin-based Softmax Loss |
88 | Character Recognition | Real-Time Text Detection with Multi-Level Feature Fusion and Pixel Clustering |
90 | Character Recognition | Dual Feature Enhanced Scene Text Recognition Method for Low-Resource Uyghur |
91 | Character Recognition | Segmentation-free Todo Mongolian OCR and Its Public Dataset |
92 | Character Recognition | Hybrid Encoding Method for Scene Text Recognition in Low-Resource Uyghur |
93 | Character Recognition | ROBC: a Radical-Level Oracle Bone Character Dataset |
94 | Character Recognition | Integrated Recognition of Arbitrary-Oriented Multi-Line Billet Number |
95 | Character Recognition | Improving Scene Text Recognition with Counting Aware Contrastive Learning and Attention Alignment |
96 | Character Recognition | GridMask: An Efficient Scheme for Real Time Curved Scene Text Detection |
97 | Character Recognition | Tibetan Handwriting Recognition Method based on Structural Re-parameterization ViT and Vertical Attention |
98 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | MPM: A Unified 2D-3D Human Pose Representation via Masked Pose Modeling |
99 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | Joint Multi-Cue Learning for Emotion Recognition in Human-Computer Interaction |
100 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | Depth Decoupling for Bottom-Up Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation |
101 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | TT-DF: A Large-Scale Diffusion-Based Dataset and Benchmark for Human Body Forgery Detection |
102 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | Walking is Matter: A Benchmark for Fine-Grained Gait Segmentation |
103 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | Spatial-Frequency Dual-stream Reconstruction for Deepfake Detection |
104 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | DeepSweep: Real-Time Multi-View 3D Pose Estimation via Cross-View Deep Matching and Plane Sweeping |
105 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | PoseVR:Structure-aware Hybrid Full-Body Pose Estimation in Virtual Reality |
106 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | Fusion Network Based on Motion Learning and Image Feature Representation for Micro-expression Recognition |
107 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | Depth-Aware Dual-stream Interactive Transformer Network for Facial Expression Recognition |
108 | Face Recognition and Pose Recognition | SCALE-Pose: Skeletal Correction and Language Knowledge-assisted for 3D Human Pose Estimation |
109 | Action Recognition | A Two-stream Hybrid CNN-Transformer Network for Skeleton-based Human Interaction Recognition |
110 | Action Recognition | Spatio-Temporal Contrastive Learning for Compositional Action Recognition |
111 | Action Recognition | Path-Guided Motion Prediction with Multi-View Scene Perception |
112 | Action Recognition | Attention-based Spatio-temporal modeling with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Dynamic Gesture Recognition |
113 | Action Recognition | MIT: Multi-cue Injected Transformer for Two-stage HOI Detection |
114 | Action Recognition | DIDA: Dynamic Individual-to-integrateD Augmentation for Self-Supervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition |
115 | Action Recognition | Improving Video Representation of Vision-Language Model with Decoupled Explicit Temporal Modeling |
116 | Action Recognition | KS-FuseNet: An efficient action recognition method based on keyframe selection and feature fusion |
117 | Action Recognition | Dynamic Skeleton Association Transformer for dyadic Interaction Action Recognition |
118 | Action Recognition | Species-Aware Guidance for Animal Action Recognition with Vision-Language Knowledge |
119 | Feature Extraction and Feature Selection | Credit-based Negative Sample Denoising in Contrastive Learning |
120 | Feature Extraction and Feature Selection | UDD: Dataset Distillation via Mining Underutilized Regions |
121 | Feature Extraction and Feature Selection | BertTab: Table Learning with Feature Descriptions and Context |
122 | Feature Extraction and Feature Selection | SemVG: Semantic Fused Feature Extraction Network for Visual Geo-localization under Urban Street Scenes |
123 | Feature Extraction and Feature Selection | Efficient Discriminative Feature Selection With Grouping Relative Comparison |
124 | Feature Extraction and Feature Selection | Block Cipher Algorithm Identification Based On CNN-Transformer Fusion Model |
125 | Feature Extraction and Feature Selection | DSTF: Dual-Stream Spatio-Temporal Fusion Network for Event-Based Data |
126 | Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis | Adapt and Refine: A Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learner via Pre-trained Models |
127 | Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis | Learning Fully Parametric Subspace Clustering |
128 | Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis | A Comprehensive Exploration on Detecting Fake Images Generated by Stable Diffusion |
129 | Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis | Adaptive Margin Global Classifier for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning |
130 | Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis | FedHC: Learning Imbalanced Clusters via Federated Hierarchical Clustering |
131 | Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis | Enhancing Time Series Classification with Explainable Time-frequency Features Representation |
132 | Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis | Adaptive Unified Framework with Global Anchor Graph for Large-scale Multi-view Clustering |
海报3 | ||
序号 | 类别 | 论文题目 |
1 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Focal Perception Transformer for Light Field Salient Object Detection |
2 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | A Fourier Transform Framework for Domain Adaptation |
3 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Bidirectional Alternating Fusion Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection |
4 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | SimpleFusion: A Simple Fusion Framework for Infrared and Visible Images |
5 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | A Cross-Consistency Strategy for Clearer Perception in Low-Light Haze |
6 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Improve Segmentation robustness of Intracellular Structures in Fluorescence Microscopy Images |
7 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | RDSR:Reparameterized Lightweight Diffusion Model For Image Super-Resolution |
8 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | ACENet: Adaptive Context Enhancement Network for RGB-T Video Object Detection |
9 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Fake-GPT: Detecting Fake Image via Large Language Model |
10 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Towards Elastic Image Super-Resolution Network via Progressive Self-distillation |
11 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | PHANet: Progressive Hybrid Attention Network for Enhanced Video Deraining |
12 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Frequency Adapter and Spatial Prompt Network for All-in-One Blind Image Restoration |
13 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Ambient Illumination Disentangled Based Weakly-Supervised Image Restoration Using Adaptive Pixel Retention Factor |
14 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | F4SR: A Feed-Forward Regression Approach for Few-Shot Face Super-Resolution |
15 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Thangka Mural Super-Resolution Based on Nimble Convolution and Overlapping Window Transformer |
16 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | EHAT:Enhanced Hybrid Attention Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution |
17 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | MIAFusion: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Multi-scale Spatial and Channel-Aware Interaction Attention |
18 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Color Enhanced Network for Image Dehazing |
19 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Advancing Real-World Burst Denoising: A New Benchmark and Dual-Branch Burst Denoising Network |
20 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | DIFNet: Dual-Domain Information Fusion Network for Image Denoising |
21 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Simultaneous Snow Mask Prediction and Single Image Desnowing with a Bidirectional Attention Transformer Network |
22 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | DBIF: Dual-Branch Feature Extraction Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion |
23 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Multi-dimensional Information Awareness Residual Network for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution |
24 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Feature Pruning and Recovery Learning with Knowledge Distillation for Occluded Person Re-Identification |
25 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | A Redundancy-suppression based Event Sampling Method for Structured Representation |
26 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | BSDiff: Low-Light Image Enhancement Via Blueprint Separable Convolution and Wavelet-Diffusion Model |
27 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | SAM and Diffusion Based Adversarial Sample Generation for Image Quality Assessment |
28 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | CF-LAM: Coarse-to-Fine Locally Affine Matching for Viewpoint Transformations |
29 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | FormerUnify: Transformer-Based Unified Fusion for Efficient Image Matting |
30 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Camouflage Object Segmentation with Multi-scale Feature Aggregation and Boundary Generation |
31 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | GCMLP: A Lightweight Network for Gamut Compression |
32 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Low-Light Light-Field Image Enhancement with Geometry Consistency |
33 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Attention and Boundary Induced Feature Refinement Network for Camouflaged Object Detection |
34 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Towards Specular Highlight Removal Through Diffusion Model |
35 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | FIR: A plug-in Feature-to-Image Reconstruction Method for Feature Coding for Machines |
36 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Focal Aggregation Transformer for Light Field Image Super-Resolution |
37 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | CoMoFusion: Fast and High-quality Fusion of Infrared and Visible Image with Consistency Model |
38 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Patch Attacks on Vision Transformer via Skip Attention Gradients |
39 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Multi-scale Progressive Reconstruction Network for High Dynamic Range Imaging |
40 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Fine-Grained Adjustable Entropy Models for Rate-Complexity Jointly Adjustable Image Compression |
41 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | FPSNet: Focus-Perceptual-Semantic Full Flow Visual Redundancy Predicting for Camera Image |
42 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Semantic-Aware Global and Local Fusion Model for Image Enhancement |
43 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | A Two-branch Fusion Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion |
44 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Attention-Guided Residual Fourier Transformation Network for Single Image Deblurring |
45 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | I3En: A Multi-Level Iterative Low-Light Enhancement Network Based on Sketch Prior Guidance |
46 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Efficient Stereo Matching Using Dynamic Graph |
47 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Synergizing Global and Local Knowledge via Dynamic Focus Mechanism for Low-Light Image Enhancement |
48 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Two-Stage Unsupervised Disentangled Realism Enhancement for Rendered Indoor Scene Images |
49 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Corner Detection: Passive Non-Line-of-Sight Pedestrian Detection |
50 | Low-Level Vision and lmage Processing | Label-Correlation Adaptive Central Similarity Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval |
51 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Visual Harmony: LLM's Power in Crafting Coherent Indoor Scenes from Images |
52 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Superpixel Cost Volume Excitation for Stereo Matching |
53 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Multi-view Depth Estimation with Adaptive Feature Extraction and Region-Aware Depth Prediction |
54 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | 3D Data Augmentation for Driving Scenes on Camera |
55 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | A Pose-Aware Auto-Augmentation Framework for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation from Partial Point Clouds |
56 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Efficient Emotional Talking Head Generation via Dynamic 3D Gaussian Rendering |
57 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Generalizable Geometry-aware Human Radiance Modeling from Multi-view Images |
58 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | AG-NeRF: Attention-guided Neural Radiance Fields for Multi-height Large-scale Outdoor Scene Rendering |
59 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | JPA: A Joint-Part Attention for Mitigating Overfocusing on 3D Human Pose Estimation |
60 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Realistic and Visually-pleasing 3D Generation of Indoor Scenes from a Single Image |
61 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | AttenPoint: Exploring Point Cloud Segmentation through Attention-Based Modules |
62 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Multi-view 3D Reconstruction by Fusing Polarization Information |
63 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Trajectory-based Calibration for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays without Alignment |
64 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Maximum Spanning Tree for 3D Point Cloud Registration |
65 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Learning the Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Relationship Between Joints for 3D Human Pose Estimation |
66 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | MaskEditor: Instruct 3D Object Editing with Learned Masks |
67 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | DyGASR: Dynamic Generalized Gaussian Splatting with Surface Alignment for Accelerated 3D Mesh Reconstruction |
68 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | MMIDM:Generating 3D Gesture from Multimodal Inputs with Diffusion Models |
69 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | MagicGS: Combining 2D and 3D Priors for Effective 3D Content Generation |
70 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | ESD-Pose: Enhanced Semantic Discrimination for Generalizable 6D Pose Estimation |
71 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Trans-DONeRF for Transparent Object Rendering with Mixed Depth Prior |
72 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | SFDNeRF: A Semantic Feature-Driven Few-Shot Neural Radiance Field Framework with Hybrid Regularization |
73 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | TriEn-Net: Non-parametric Representation Learning for Large-Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation |
74 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Decomposed Latent Diffusion Model for 3D Point Cloud Generation |
75 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Learning Multi-Branch Attention Networks for 3D Face Reconstruction |
76 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | CP-VoteNet: Contrastive Prototypical VoteNet for Few-Shot Point Cloud Object Detection |
77 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Cross Modality Fusion Network with Feature Alignment and Salient Object Exchange for Single Image 3D Shape Retrieval |
78 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Enhanced Spatial Adaptive Fusion Network For Video Super-Resolution |
79 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Multi-3D Occlusion Mask Learning for Flexible Occlusion Removal in Neural Radiance Fields |
80 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval via Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning and Difficulty-Aware Uncertainty Regularization |
81 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Residual Hybrid Attention Enhanced Video Super-Resolution with Cross Convolution |
82 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | SDFReg: Learning Signed Distance Functions for Point Cloud Registration |
83 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Unfolding Gradient Graph Regularization for Point Cloud Color Denoising |
85 | 3D Vision and Reconstruction | Multimodal Token Fusion and Optimization for 3D Human Mesh Reconstruction with Transformers |
86 | Vision Applications and Systems | Immersive 6DOF Roaming with Novel View Synthesis from Single Outdoor Panorama |
87 | Vision Applications and Systems | Delving Deeper into Clean Samples for Combating Noisy Labels |
88 | Vision Applications and Systems | Vision-Language Knowledge Exploration for Video Saliency Prediction |
89 | Vision Applications and Systems | Variational Capsules for Image Analysis and Synthesis |
90 | Vision Applications and Systems | An Avatar-based Intervention System for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
91 | Vision Applications and Systems | VS-LLM: Visual-Semantic Depression Assessment based on LLM for Drawing Projection Test |
92 | Vision Applications and Systems | A Robust and Real-Time RGB-D SLAM Method with Dynamic Point Recognition and Depth Segmentation Optimization |
93 | Vision Applications and Systems | Edge-enhanced super-resolution reconstruction of rock CT images |
94 | Vision Applications and Systems | Multi-Prototype Co-Saliency Model for Plant Disease Detection |
95 | Vision Applications and Systems | Advancing Surveillance Video Clarity and Transmission: A Real-time Video Super-Resolution Model with Background Information Awareness |
96 | Vision Applications and Systems | A Novel Anti-rounding Image Steganography Method for Improved UNet++ |
97 | Vision Applications and Systems | Apple Leaf Disease Segmentation in the Wild: A Multi-Task Collaborative Learning Approach |
98 | Vision Applications and Systems | EG-Trans: Transparent object segmentation with edge enhanced and global integrated Transformers |
99 | Vision Applications and Systems | CNN-Transformer with Stepped Distillation for Fine-Grained Visual Classification |
100 | Vision Applications and Systems | ALMRR: Anomaly Localization Mamba on Industrial Textured Surface with Feature Reconstruction and Refinement |
101 | Vision Applications and Systems | Adaptive Dual Attention Fusion Network for RGB-D Surface Defect Detection |
102 | Vision Applications and Systems | Vehicle Appearance Dataset |
103 | Vision Applications and Systems | RefineStyle: Dynamic Convolution Refinement for StyleGAN |
104 | Vision Applications and Systems | Feature Refinement and Calibration for Continual Visual Search |
105 | Vision Applications and Systems | Joint Multi-Person Body Detection and Orientation Estimation via One Unified Embedding |
106 | Vision Applications and Systems | ULNet: A Lightweight Segmentation Network For Lane Detection |
107 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | Shape-Aware Soft Label Assignment and Context Enhancement for Oriented Object Detection |
108 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | Chareption: Change-Aware Adaption Empowers Large Language Model for Effective Remote Sensing Image Change Captioning |
109 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | Spectral-Spatial Multi-view Sparse Self-Representation for Hyperspectral Band Selection |
110 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | Adaptive Cross-spatial Sensing Network for Change Detection |
111 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | HANet: Hierarchical Attention Network for Remote Sensing Images Semantic Segmentation |
112 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | BiReNet: Bilateral Network with Feature Fusion and Edge Detection for Remote Sensing Images Road Extraction |
113 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | Latent Feature Representation-Based Low Rank Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection |
114 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | DICMNet: Dynamic Irregular Resnet with Multi-direction Channel Remapping for Remote Sensing Road Extraction |
115 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | Discriminative Representation-based Classifier for Few-shot Remote Sensing Classification |
116 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | Hyperspectral Image Change Detection via Cross-Sample Slot Attention and Dual Gated Feed-Forward Network |
117 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | Spectral Channel-weighting CAT for Hyperspectral image Classification |
118 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | BFRNet: Bimodal Fusion and Rectification Network for Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation |
119 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | SFFAFormer: An Semantic Fusion and Feature Accumulation Approach for Change Detection on Remote Sensing Images |
120 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | A Novel Multi-scale Feature Fusion based Network for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion |
121 | Remote Sensing lmage Interpretation | A Sidelobe-Aware Semi-Deformable Convolutional Ship Detection Network for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery |
122 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | Edge Assisted Fast Optical Flow Matching SLAM in Underground Rescue Environments |
123 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | ViPro-BEV: Few-Shot Visual Prompting for Bird’s-Eye-View Perception |
124 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | DNIV-SLAM: Neural Implicit Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments |
125 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | BEVDot: Enhancing Environmental Perception for Autonomous Driving with a Deformable Depth Mechanism |
126 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | UDA-KB: Unsupervised domain adaptation RGB-Thermal semantic segmentation via knowledge bridge |
128 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | VTMF2N: Towards Accurate Visual-tactile Slip Detection via Multi-modal Feature Fusion in Robotic Grasping |
129 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | HHATP: A Lightweight Heterogeneous Hierarchical Attention Model for Trajectory Prediction |
130 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | Improved End-to-End Multilevel NeRF-Based Dense RGB-D SLAM |
131 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | KA-Seg: Improving LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation through Key Point Sampling and Attention-based Querying |
132 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | ASPVNet: Attention Based Sparse Point-Voxel Network for 3D Object Detection |
133 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | Task-Oriented Scanpath Prediction with Spatial-Temporal Information in Driving Scenarios |
134 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | Intelligent Navigation System that Gives Trajectory Guidance in 3D Scenes |
135 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | Dynamic Attention-Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Network For Pedestrian Collision Risk Assessment |
136 | Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving | Dynamic Object Suppression in Visual Odometry via Adaptive Masked Flow Refinement |
海报4 | ||
序号 | 类别 | 论文题目 |
1 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Auto-USOD: Searching Topology for Underwater Salient Object Detection |
2 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | MBA-NER: Multi-Granularity Entity Boundary-Aware Contrastive Enhanced for Two-stage Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition |
3 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Enhancing Zero-Shot Anomaly Detection: CLIP-SAM Collaboration with Cascaded Prompts |
4 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Towards Adversarial-Robust Class-Incremental Learning via Progressively Volume-up Perturbation Generation |
5 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Neighborhood Difference-Enhanced Graph Neural Network based on Hypergraph for Social Bot Detection |
6 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | SRMAE: Masked Image Modeling for Scale-Invariant Deep Representations |
7 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | An Entropy-based Pseudo-Label Mixup Method for Source-Free Domain Adaptation |
8 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | DAMS: Document Image Steganography with Dual Attention Multi-Scale Encoder-Decoder Architecture |
9 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Dual-Task Cascaded for Proactive Deepfake Detection Using QPCET watermarking |
10 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | XrGroup: Graph Convolutional Networks for Group-Aware Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Speed information |
11 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Invisible Backdoor Attack Through Singular Value Decomposition |
12 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Self-supervised transformer-based pre-training method with General Plant Infection dataset |
13 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Spatio-Temporal Perceiving Network Based Vision Transformer for 6-Hour Precipitation Prediction Using Multi-Meteorological Factors |
14 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Learning Local Spatial and Global Context Activation for Visual Recognition |
15 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | CRFNet: A medical image segmentation method using the cross attention mechanism and refined feature fusion strategy |
16 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | SCC-CAM: Weakly Supervised Segmentation on Brain Tumor MRI with Similarity Constraint and Causality |
17 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Global Structural Consistency Set Transformer |
18 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | IMO-Net: Integrated Memory Optimization Network for Video Instance Lane Detection |
19 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Lightweight Facial Expression Recognition Based on Hybrid Multiscale and Multi-Head Collaborative Attention |
20 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Single model learns multiple styles of Chinese calligraphy via Style Collection Mechanism |
21 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | FusionNet for Interactive Image Segmentation |
22 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Perception Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting |
23 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Foreign object classification for coal conveyor belts based on deep learning |
24 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Interpretable Unsupervised Homography Estimation |
25 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | DRC-NET: Density Reweighted Convolution Network for Edge Curve Extraction |
26 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Unsupervised Underwater Image Enhancement Combining Imaging Restoration and Prompt Learning |
27 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Generatice Adversarial Imitation Learning Algorithm based on Improved Curiosity Module |
28 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Zero-shot Blind Face Restoration via Conditional Diffusion Sampling |
29 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Task-aware Few-shot Image Generation via Dynamic Local Distribution Estimation and Sampling |
30 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Adversarial Training and Contrastive Learning with Bidirectional Transformers for Sequence Recommendation |
31 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Empathizing Before Generation: A Double-layered Framework for Emotional Support LLM |
32 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | ST-RetNet: A Long-term Spatial-Temporal Traffic Flow Prediction Method |
33 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | DARTS-CGW: Research on Differentiable Neural Architecture Search Algorithm Based on Coarse Gradient Weighting |
34 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | PanoDthNet: Depth estimation based on indoor and outdoor panoramic images |
35 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | A Supervised Domain Adaptation Method with Alignment Regularization for Low-light Facial Expression Recognition |
36 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | DiffuSaliency: Synthesizing Multi-Object Images with Masks for Semantic Segmentation Using Diffusion and Saliency Detection |
37 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | EFOA: Enhancing Out-of-Distribution Detection by Fake Outlier Augmentation |
38 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | A Stereo Matching Method for Specular Objects via Cascaded Network and Joint Supervision |
39 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | An Asymmetric Game Theoretic Learning Model |
40 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Learning 360° Optical Flow using Tangent Images and Transformer |
41 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | ODAdapter: An effective method of Semi-Supervised Object Detection for Aerial Images |
42 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Frequency-domain Transformation-based Dynamic Gesture Recognition with skeleton |
43 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | MRGN: Multiscale Relation-gated Graph Network for Entity Alignment |
44 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Adaptive Selective Knowledge Distillation: not blindly accepting teachers as Oracles |
45 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Periodic Iterative Segmentation-Colorization Training: Line Drawing Colorization Using Text Tag with CBAMCat |
46 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Histogram Prediction and Equalization for Indoor Monocular Depth Estimation |
47 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | SheepNet: Rapid Sheep Face Recognition Based on Attention and Knowledge Distillation |
48 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | LPMANet:A Lightweight Partial Multilayer Aggregation Network for Tiny Drone Detection |
49 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | HiTraj: Heterogeneous Interaction Learning with Transformers for Trajectory Prediction |
50 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Adaptive Knowledge Matching for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning |
51 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Focusing on Significant Guidance: Preliminary Knowledge Guided Distillation |
52 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | ESTOR:Enumerate-Specify-Tutor Mechanism Used of Lexicon in Chinese NER |
53 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | EBSD: Short Text Sentiment Classification Using Sentence Vector Enhancement Mechanism |
54 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | CEDP-YOLO: UAV Object Detection Based on Context Enhancement and Dynamic Perception |
55 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | TLLFusion: An End-to-End Transformer-Based Method for Low-Light Infrared and Visible Image Fusion |
56 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | BD-YOLO : High-precision lightweight concrete bubble detector based on YOLOv7 |
57 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Semantic Consistency-Enhanced Refined Hashing for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval |
58 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Frequency Feature Enhanced Mix Calibration Attention Network for Sequential Recommendation |
59 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | CFMISA: Cross-modal Fusion of Modal Invariant and Specific Representations for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis |
60 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | A Privacy-Preserving Source Code Vulnerability Detection Method |
61 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Physically Informed Prior and Cross-Correlation Constraint for Fine-grained Road Crack Segmentation |
62 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | AFSNet: Adaptive Feature Suppression Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection |
63 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | BIVL-Net: Bidirectional Vision-Language Guidance for Visual Question Answering |
64 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Enhancing Task Identification through Pseudo-OOD Features for Class-Incremental Learning |
65 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Contextual Feature-Based Medical Visual Question Answering Aided by Learnable Matrix |
66 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | ImgQuant: Towards adversarial defense with robust boundary via dual-image quantization |
67 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Swelling-ViT: Rethink Data-efficient Vision Transformer from Locality |
68 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Target-Specific Domain Adaptation via Geometry-Correlation Prediction for Point Cloud |
69 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Dual-stream Network of Vision Mamba and CNN with Auto-scaling for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation |
70 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | A Novel Combined GAN for Defects Generation using Masking Mechanisms |
71 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Semi-supervised lightweight fabric defect detection |
72 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Semi-adaptive Synergetic Two-way Pseudoinverse Learning System |
73 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Invariant Risk Minimization Augmentation for Graph Contrastive Learning |
74 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Enhancing Fast Adversarial Training with Learnable Adversarial Perturbations |
75 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | DTAFORMER: Directional Time Attention Transformer For Long-Term Series Forecasting |
76 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Unpaired Multi-scenario Sketch Synthesis via Texture Enhancement |
77 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | ISO-VTON: Fine-Grained Style-Local Flows with Dual Cross-Attention for Immersive Outfitting |
78 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Near-surface Air Temperature Inversion Study Based on U-Net Family with Multi-source Data |
79 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Relation Detection with Transformers for Panoptic Scene Graph Generation |
80 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | WEDNet: A Wavelet Enhanced Detail Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement |
81 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Textureness-Aware Neural Network for Edge Detection |
82 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Enhancing the Transferability and Stealth of Deepfake Detection Attacks Through Latent Diffusion Models |
83 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Backdoor Richer Watermarks using Dynamic Mask Covering for Dual Identity Verification |
84 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction using Spatio-Temporal VAE |
85 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Real-Time DEtection TRansformer with Bi-Level Routing Attention |
86 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | NFP-UNet: Deep Learning Estimation of Placeable Areas for 2D Irregular Packing |
87 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Advancements in Photorealistic Style Translation with a Hybrid Generative Adversarial Network |
88 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Transformer Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-Directional Feature Extraction |
89 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | MRGAN: LightWeight Monaural Speech Enhancement using GAN Network |
90 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Data augmentation guided Decouple Knowledge Distillation for low-resolution fine-grained image classification |
91 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Virtual Student Distribution Knowledge Distillation for Long-tailed Recognition |
92 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation-Boundary IS-Goal |
93 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | 3DLaneFormer: End-to-End 3D Lane Detection with Voxel Descriptors |
94 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | More Like Real World Game Challenge for Partially Observable Multi-Agent Cooperation |
95 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Centroid-centered Modeling for Efficient Vision Transformer Pre-training |
96 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Spectral–Spatial Blockwise Masked Transformer With Contrastive Multi-View Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification |
97 | Neural Network and Deep Learning | Local reactivation for communication efficient federated learning based on sparse gradient deviation |
98 | Machine Learning | Cluster center initialization for fuzzy K-modes clustering using outlier detection technique |
99 | Machine Learning | Generalizing soft actor-critic algorithms to discrete action spaces |
100 | Machine Learning | LarvSeg: Exploring Image Classification Data For Large Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation via Category-wise Attentive Classifier |
101 | Machine Learning | PhaseNN: An Unsupervised and Spatial-Frequency Integrated Network for Phase Retrieval |
102 | Machine Learning | Sequential Transfer of Pose and Texture for Pose Guided Person Image Generation |
103 | Machine Learning | Balanced Clustering with Discretely Weighted Pseudo-Label |
104 | Machine Learning | Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis with Hankel Structure |
105 | Machine Learning | Self-Distillation via Intra-class Compactness |
106 | Machine Learning | An Enhanced Dual-Channel-Omni-Scale 1DCNN for Fault Diagnosis |
107 | Machine Learning | Visual-Guided Reasoning Path Generation for Visual Question Answering |
108 | Machine Learning | FedGC: Federated Learning on Non-IID Data via Learning from Good Clients |
109 | Machine Learning | Inter-class Correlation-based Online Knowledge Distillation |
110 | Machine Learning | Accelerating Domain Adaptation with Cascaded Adaptive Vision Transformer |
111 | Machine Learning | Multistage Compression Optimization Strategies for Accelerating Diffusion Models |
112 | Machine Learning | Defending Adversarial Patches via Joint Region Localizing and Inpainting |
113 | Machine Learning | Multi-view Spectral Clustering Based on Topological Manifold Learning |
114 | Machine Learning | Client selection mechanism for federated learning based on class imbalance |
115 | Machine Learning | A New Paradigm for Enhancing Ensemble Learning through Parameter Diversification |
116 | Machine Learning | Adaptive Multi-Information Feature Fusion MLP with Filter Enhancement for Sequential Recommendation |
117 | Machine Learning | FedDCP: Personalized Federated Learning Based on Dual Classifiers and Prototypes |
118 | Machine Learning | AtomTool: Empowering Large Language Models with Tool Utilization Skills |
119 | Machine Learning | Making the Primary Task Primary: Boosting Few-Shot Classification by Gradient-biased Multi-task Learning |
120 | Machine Learning | Cascade Large Language Model via In-Context Learning for Depression Detection on Chinese Social Media |
121 | Machine Learning | TRAE : Reversible Adversarial Example with Traceability |
122 | Machine Learning | A Two-stage Active Domain Adaptation Framework for Vehicle Re-Identification |
123 | Machine Learning | FBR-FL: Fair and Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning via SPD Manifold |
124 | Machine Learning | SecBFL-IoV: A Secure Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning Framework for Resilience against Poisoning Attacks in Internet of Vehicles |
125 | Optimization and Learning Methods | Continuous Multi-Agent Path Finding for Drone Delivery |
126 | Optimization and Learning Methods | Enhancing Multi-modal Contrastive Learning via Optimal Transport-based Consistent Modality Alignment |
127 | Optimization and Learning Methods | Instance-level Scaling and Dynamic Margin-alignment Knowledge Distillation |
128 | Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology | Light Field Stitching via Mesh Deformation Alignment and Low-Rank-Based Fusion |
129 | Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology | CPE COIN++: Towards Optimized Implicit Neural Representation Compression via Chebyshev Positional Encoding |
130 | Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology | LF-SAET: Cascaded Spatial-Angular-EPI Transformers for Light Field Image Super-Resolution |
131 | Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology | A New Data-Driven Paradigm for SAR Jamming Suppression |
132 | Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology | Adaptive Decoupled Prompting for Class Incremental Learning |